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Membership Benefits

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IPT Member Dashboard

Member Dashboard

As a member you are provided a login which allows you to maintain your company listing and update the preferences. Dependent on the level of administration provided will determine which editing rights the individual person has.

The dashboard is a quick and easy feature which allows you to access different parts of the members area. The website has been developed with ease of use in mind, so you can opt for your login details to be recorded on the machine you are using. This feature allows you to be automatically remembered and logged in the next time you visit the website from that machine.

Very often there are important industry updates or information which we choose to communicate to the membership. These announcements and messages will be placed on the right hand side of the dashboard. 

IPT Manage Stock Inventory

Manage Stock Inventory

Managing your company’s stock inventory is important for all companies. Having an easy to use tool such as our "manage inventory" area allows you to list the stocks which you have in stock or deal in on a regular basis. In addition, you can also add your current stock requirements (WTB).

Adding, removing and editing both the WTB & WTS inventory lists is very easy, and you can quickly gain assistance from the IPT team if you have any issues.

IPT Add Stock To Trading Board

Add Stock to Trading Board

Once your stock has been added to your WTB or WTS list these items are available to post on the trading board for companies to view. In addition to posting stocks to be viewed on the Trading Board, you can also select if you wish these items to be included in the broadcast alert system.

At the point of adding WTS or WTB posts you are able to associate the stock to the appropriate trader or representative within your company. This feature allows companies who are interested in this item to get directly in touch with the correct person by clicking on the item and sending an enquiry email.

IPT Member Profile

Edit Member Profile

Each member company is able to list multiple departments and personnel on their profile page. The editing software has been developed to allow the company director to grant administration rights to each person, or to restrict their administration level to only editing their own entry.

Each person can add the contact information which they choose to share and includes the main standard field options - mobile, skype, msn, BBM and email.

This section also allows your designated staff to maintain their individual broadcast settings which include the categories and sub categories which they are opted in to receive regular emails plus editing the frequency which the broadcasts are sent.
Also within the edit profile section is a password management tool.

IPT Internal Email Box

Internal Email Inbox

IPT has developed a useful internal email system for its members. As a member, you are able to monitor all trade enquiries sent to you as these will be placed in the internal email inbox and also copied to the listed external email address.

In addition, the internal email feature allows members to send messages instantly to each other. This system allows companies to negotiate trades and obtain vital information quickly. This negotiation feature has been instrumental in many successful trades.

Live Email Broadcast

LIVE Email Broadcast

The broadcast system allows members to access up to date information and live trade data. This feature can be controlled by each trader, so that they can specify they to only receive the broadcasts applicable to their field of expertise. The broadcast emails group trade offers and requests by product category.